Who we are: The Moodus Sportsmen's Club is a voluntary association of hunters, fishermen and trappers based in Moodus, Connecticut. The organization was founded in 1942 by local residents and veterans.
•The club has maintained a presence on its present site since the 1940s when members were first permitted to meet and build a club house there by the Moodus Reservoir Water Company.
•Over the years the MSC has been an active participant in civic events and is one of the principal founders (and sponsors) of the annual East Haddam "Earth Day" Roadside Clean-up; held during April every year.
Statement of Purpose: The Purposes of the Moodus Sportsmen’s Club are to:
•* Promote and bring together sportsmen in the sports of hunting, fishing and associated activities;
*• Ensure that these sports will continue through education and conservation measures;
*• Teach and pass on the pleasures, benefits, responsibilities and ethics associated with hunting, trapping, and fishing practices.
What Do We Do? The Club hosts several public functions each year including:
Winter ~ Annual Tri-Lakes Ice Fishing Tournament
April ~ Earth Day Roadside Clean-up
May ~ Youth Fishing Derby
June ~ Annual Shad Bake - the Sunday before Father's Day
September ~ Annual Summer Harvest Fest*
November ~ Prime Rib + Shrimp Dinner*
Game Dinners* Held during winter months.
(*Game Dinners; Forest, Farm & Sea Fest and the Prime Rib + Shrimp Dinner are by advance reservation only. See a member for more information)
Local Scout Troop # 22 meets at the club on Thursday evenings.
We are working with CT DEEP to resume Approved Archery & Firearms Safety Classes. Until then - look to the CT-DEEP Conservation Education and Firearms Safety Program web page for more information on attending. Anyone who wishes to hunt my take and pass this class
NRA Certified Pistol / Firearms Classes are scheduled and held at various times of the year.
Membership details:
Membership meetings are held on the first Monday of each month.
Anyone interested in joining the Moodus Sportsman's Club must be sponsored into the club by a member in good standing. Prospective members names are brought to the floor at a monthly meeting; after announcement, a decision on a new member's application is tabled until the next month. At the next meeting, the prospective member is expected to attend, but will leave the meeting with a decision made on the applicant's membership request.
• All new members first go through a six-month probationary period; their sponsoring member is expected to help them get better acquainted with the club and its routines.
• Work Requirements: ALL members are required to work a set number of hours per year, as well as regularly participate in club activities, including monthly meetings [attendance is credited to "work time" requirements] as well as other nominal requirements.
• The club membership also includes Junior Members (under the age of 18) who must have a sponsor who knows the junior member well; as well as senior "emeritus" memberships.
Dues and Initiation Fees:
• Annual membership dues are $175 and are due the 1st of July of each year.
• New Member initiation fees are $475 (paid in increments over the first three years of membership).
• New members, upon acceptance, pay $325 the first year; $225 the second + third year. After that, annual dues are incurred.
• All members are required to be a member of the National Rifle Association.
Members who have not paid dues by October 31st of the year may be subject to termination of membership. Any membership lapsed because of unpaid dues can be re-applied for without prejudice.
Where we are: Moodus Sportsmen's Club facilities are located at 299-A Old East Haddam-Colchester Turnpike,, just up the hill from the Moodus Reservoir and the East Haddam town beach.
The club has maintained a presence on the site since the 1940s when members were first permitted to meet and build there by the Moodus Reservoir Water Company.
For Further Information: Write us at moodussportsman@gmail.com
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