28 June 2017

Moodus Reservoir Lake Harvester Program

Moodus Reservoir Lake Harvester Program

 The life cycle of Connecticut Lakes over future centuries is to evolve into swamps and bogs. Moodus Reservoir is in that cycle with increasing encroachment by native and invasive aquatic plants. The Moodus Reservoir Preservation Group (MRPG), a 501c(3) non profit charity, is dedicated to preserving the lake for continuing enjoyment of our the town beach, fishing and boating.

Several studies by the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES) have kept track of the growth  it these plants. Numerous methods of control have been studied by MRPG and, with town and environmental group support, MRPG conducted a herbicide pilot study. Based on independent evaluation of the pilot study, herbicide treatment is not an effective control method for further treatment. “Raking” methods presently in use by private contractors and individual property owners can result in plant fragments escaping and re-rooting in other parts of the lake, increasing the problem.

The most affordable and effective control method is “harvesting”, via a machine that pulls up the aquatic plants, trapping them and depositing them on land. An affordable and environmental enhancing method of disposal is available. The harvester machine will cost approximately sixty thousand dollars ($60,000). A volunteer is already available to operate the harvester. Raising the funds will require support of the community as well as outside grants and special events. This will improve the lake for use by all and extend its life for future generations.

The 2017 Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 6, 10 AM at the Moodus Sportsmen‘s Club, East Haddam/Colchester Tnpk. Future plans and fund raising will be discussed. Greg Bugbee of the CAES will review past studies. All East Haddam residents are welcome to attend. New members may join and current members may pay $25 annual dues anytime via our website, as well as at the meeting. All dues and donations are tax deductible.

For more information email us at Moodus.Reservoir@gmail.com, visit our website at www.moodusreservoir.org and see us on FaceBook. Surveys of Moodus Reservoir by CAES may be viewed at www.ct.gov/caes. Click on “Invasive Aquatic Plant Program”, go to Moodus Reservoir. Trailer a boating vessel? Visit http://www.ct.gov/deep/lib/deep/boating/boating_guide/part6.pdf.


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