Moodus Sportsmen’s Club members who have never considered taking an NRA Pistol certification class before may now want to take one.
Emmett Lyman, Bryan Goff, and Ted Lambert are planning to set up classes for members and their immediate families only for the low price of $50.00.
This is a very low price, it is a break even or it might even cost us a little to put on these classes. Cabelas, Hoffman’s, Newington Gun Exchange and Blue Trail run classes for between $135 and $200. This is our way of giving back to the club members and we hope you and your family take advantage of our offer. Jim Ventres even said he’d whip up a bucket of chilli for the classes. It should be fun. There will be a sign-up sheet at the monthly meeting or you can send an email to the course instructors via this website. Your emailed interested shall be forwarded to them. As soon as we have enough participants we will schedule the first class.
Non-members may make arrangements for another carry permit class, but the regular training rates would be applied
Ted Lambert
For More Information about changes in Connecticut's Firearms laws, you may want to read: Wikipedia's entry on Gun Laws in Connecticut; or click on the Handgun Law - USA website for a link to an easy to read pdf file that you can print out and keep.