Information about the activities [and other items passed our way] of a hunting, fishing, trappers association based in Moodus, Connecticut.
27 March 2013
Town-Wide Road Clean-up - April 6th, 2013
So, once again, it's time. Come out and clean up the roadsides with us.
If you want to focus on your own street or a specific area, then call Jim Ventres at the East Haddam Land Use Administrator's Office [860-873-5031] to coordinate the effort or e-mail Will Brady [MSC website coordinator] at
Anyone who takes part in the effort is invited to the Moodus Sportsmen's Club for one of its famous hearty lunches.
This effort is co-sponsored by the Sportsmen's Club, East Haddam Lions and Scout Troop #22.
23 March 2013
Important Land Acquisition
Town Meeting - March 28, 2013 - 8 pm at the East Haddam Town Meeting Hall
492 Town Street
Town Referendum (VOTE!) April 9, 2013 - 12 noon to 8 pm at the East Haddam Town Meeting Hall
The State of Connecticut, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has awarded grants to the Town of East Haddam for the purchase of two proper-ties. The Town’s share for such purchases may be fi-nanced by the issuance of general obligation bonds and notes of the Town.
492 Town Street
Pages Property on Mill and Parker Roads [238 acres]
Bound by Mill Road, Parker Road, the 230 acres of Conservation Easement area on the Dean Farm and a portion of Roaring Brook.
The parcel will be available for hiking, cross country skiing, wildlife observation, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, group camping, and photography.
At several locations Long Island Sound and the Connecticut River are visible.
This property has an open area available for group outings and has a well built gravel road to the scenic viewing area that is handicap accessible. The lack of nearby residential lighting provides opportunities for star gazing from this location. This parcel will provide continued wildlife habitat and corridor linkage in a very large forest block.
The parcel has a mix of upland hardwood forest, mountain laurel covered hills, exposed ledges, intermittent streams, vernal pools, and woodland wetlands that support a variety of the woodland species.
Zeiller Associates parcel on Clark Hill Road and Florida Road [98.22 acres]
The parcel will become a recreational property for hiking, cross country skiing, wildlife observation, fishing, hunting, camping, horseback riding and photography.
Some land can be reclaimed for agricultural uses. The northern third of the property was used for agricultural purposes up until the 1970’s.
The parcel has a mix of upland hardwood forest, mountain laurel covered hills, exposed ledges, intermittent streams, vernal pools, old field habitat and woodland wetlands that support a variety of woodland species.
Part of the parcel has been actively forested in the past and is expected to continue to be a productive forest area.
As for fisheries, the property has 4000 feet of frontage on Roaring Brook, supports a healthy brook trout population and is part of the Whalebone Creek Watershed. This parcel would provide linkage to existing and potential open space.
13 March 2013
in memory ~ Stanley "Chippy" Kurek
He was a veteran of World War II serving with the U.S. Army; a life member of the East Haddam Volunteer Fire Department, a 60 year member of the American Legion, and active with the Catholic War Veterans. Prior to his retirement Chip worked for the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation as an electrician.
Chip loved spending time with his family and friends especially at his camp in New Hampshire.
Chip is survived by a sister, Helen McNutt of Deep River, niece, Kim Smith and her husband David of Moodus, two step-sons, Duane Hendrickson and his wife Sandra of Florida, Claude Hendrickson of Middletown, a step-daughter, Drucilla Hendrickson of Deep River several step-grandchildren, great grandchildren and a great-great grandchild, also several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by three brothers, Joseph Kurek, Frank Kurek, Lewis Kurek, four sisters, Josephine Whitehead, Sophie Wright, Ann Bohling and Agnes Carini.
A Funeral Liturgy will be Saturday, March 16th at 10 a.m. at St. Bridget of Kildare Church, Moodus. Burial with military honors will be held at Saint Bridget of Kildare Cemetery.
from 5:00 PM to 7:00 p.m.
Those who wish may make memorial contributions to East Haddam Volunteer Fire Department P.O. Box 375 East Haddam, CT 06423 or the charity of your choice. To share memories or express condolences online please visit
12 March 2013
Calendar of Activities - March to August
Monthly members meetings begin at 7:30 PM
4 Monthly Meeting
9 Game Diner (Snow date Mar 10 - 4 pm)
22/23/24 DEEP Hunter Safety Course
Fri - 6 to 9 pm / Sat - 8 am to 5 pm / Sun 8 am to 2 pm
29 Project Graduation

6 Town-wide clean-up
Starts at 7:30, lunch at 12:30 / 1:00 pm
13 Game Dinner - Annual Raffle
Starts at 6:00 pm
5 Children's Fishing Derby
6 Monthly Meeting
3 Monthly Meeting
21/22 Set up for Shad Bake
23 Annual Shad Bake - Sunday after Fathers' Day
1 Dues are due
2 Monthly Meeting
5 Monthly Meeting