Support Sunday Hunting!
Contact your legislator - TODAY!
The Connecticut Legislative environment Committee will be hearing testimony of a variety of bills this coming Monday, February 25th. Call or email BEFORE Monday! Be brief and to the point. Be polite. Identify the issue and the Bill number. It also helps to identify what town you are from and who you are.
E-mails may be more effective since it gives the legislature a way to document in writing the number of people responding to the specific issue.
FOR: Proposals regarding Sunday hunting, on private land and on "certain tree farms" will be heard.
You should contact your legislators supporting these bills. Bills related to Sunday Hunting include: House Bills: 5200, 5204, 5413, 5847 as well as Senate Bills 0558 and 0559. Identify these bills in your email or phone call.
AGAINST: A Proposal to prohibit hunting in proximity to wildlife preserves in the state, That is House Bill 6305. It is so vague that it could be completely ~ and easily ~ misinterpreted. Identify this bill in your email or phone call.
Our Local Legislators include:
Melissa Ziobron [ Melissa.Ziobron@housegop.ct.gov ]
PH: 1-800-842-1423 (toll-free in CT) | 860-240-8700 (out of state)
Art Linares [ Art.Linares@cga.ct.gov ]
PH: 1-800-842-1421 (CT only) | 860-240-8800 (out of state)
Linda Orange [ Linda.Orange@cga.ct.gov ]
PH: (860) 240-8585 (CT only) | 1-800-842-8267 (out of state)
You could also contact the Clerk of the Environmental Committee
[ Edward.Schaeffer@cga.ct.gov ] or call 1-800-240-0440.
Click this link for a list of all members on the Environment Committee.
For the emails and contact information of other Connecticut Legislators check out the Senate Members List or the House of Representatives Members List.
Although it helps to give a short reason why you support Sunday hunting (for example, "Since I work all week Sunday is one of the few days I get to hunt, which helps put food on the table.") your email need be no more complicated than this one: