Check the list on the back of this month's meeting agenda sheet; then come volunteer for a task that suits you best ...or to dig into something that no one wants to do but has to be done anyway.
In the unlikely possibility you don't know where we are meeting, it's at the Moodus Sportsman's Club grounds. Start after skeet league.
Football junkies don’t panic – The Giants are playing Oakland at 1 pm - Pats are on at 4 pm so the second half is workable, and the Jets play on Monday [so great to have that big screen handy].
We can probably even rustle up something tasty to eat!
So whether you can cut down some overhanging saplings [don't forget your chain saw], plant new trees in the property buffer area, or finally be the one to make a cheat sheet for all the remote control devices, there's still enough time for making the work load seem like a party.
See you there on Sunday after skeet league.