NOTICE! DEP staff will be stocking at various Trout Parks on opening day. People are encouraged to join them. A great way to introduce your children to outdoor activities.
• 18 April/Saturday : MSC April Game Dinner. We'll start serving at 6:00 pm [1800 hours] but you want to get there earlier to get your seat and meet and greet one another. As of 10 a.m. today, a couple of seats have opened up. But you want to be quick about it. Call us at the club [the phone number is on the right] but be quick about it.

• 26 April/Sunday : Major Work Party. Members especially, but anybody who wants to join us for wood splitting, scrape-and-paint, improving the target range backstop and other work around the club are welcome.
• 3 May/Sunday : Children's Fishing Derby, at the pond, which has been stocked again. - 4 cooks needed, 4 pond monitors needed - 7:30 am to 12:30 pm
• 28 June/Sunday : The Shad Bake. Our annual spring festival. Come hungry, you won't leave hungry.