There will be an organizational meeting to promote a fundraiser held for the benefit of the
Blue Trail Range, in the Durham/Wallingford area, to insure the continued operation of essentially the ONLY public outdoor range in the state.

The meeting will be held 7PM, July 11 at Blue Trail Range [BTR]. The BTR is looking for people with food contacts, ticket sellers, those who can solicit raffle items for the event, and participation on the Set-up Committee, Finance Committee, Clean-up Committee, etc.
In comparable situations [such as
the lawsuit against the
Metacon Gun Club in Simsbury] lawsuits involving ranges can be extraordinarily expensive as well as the improvements required. Supporting a retail operation is unusual, but BTR and Dave Lyman have been staunch supporters of gunowners in the state for decades.
Other things that can ve done include:
• Write letters to the editor of all your local newspapers supporting the Blue Trail Range.
• Call your local radio and television stations supporting the Blue Trail Range.
The Blue Trail Range asks if you can help, your support would be greatly appreciated.
For more information see:
Save the Blue Trail Range